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Friday, December 14, 2012


                                        The LittleBigPlanet trailer!! 

A short video of the LittleBigPlanet gameplay ;)


My FavoRITE game \(>.<)/

   My fovorite game?? Ermmm...actually I don't have a fixed favorite game,because....each game that i played have their own speciality. There are games that have a good gameplay but not  interesting design and some are very attractive in background and character design unfortunately does not have an addicted gameplay. SO?? which one is important? Gameplay or design of the game?? For me,both of them are important to make the player to stick on that game...or else they will get bored...However, there is a game that make me become addicted to keep play and play and paly the game!! That is LITTLE BIG PLANET game...sounds cute ha??

        This game is totally awesome!! BUT...i'm not really expert on this game...hehehe...There are some of the level is quite harrddd and challenging..the only way to solve it is ask my cousin to finish the level..hohoho! It is also a unique game because we can build our own new level and share it with other players around the world. game, at the same time you manage to create your own.Interesting right?? Same goes to the character in this game which we called Sackboy.We can create and make it look like us...haha! (not look same like us actually.... but  look same like what we imagine) Ok,cakap banyak pun tak guna..cuba main sekali..confirm melekat..heee~
Thursday, December 13, 2012

GAME elements?

       For this class , i have learned 6 STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS of the games. There are three elements for classic which are rule based, goal oriented, and feedback driven and another three are challenge, represent action and interaction....all this six thing must be remembered and known by all the game designer!!! Because  of last week we had learned the three classic today we had learned another three (challenge,represent action,interaction)... Well,this is it:


1.There are two aspects:
  • Player and computer
  • Multiplayer (two player or more)  
2.Nature types:
  • Competition
  • Cooperation (different player play different role.If there is someone can not work)
  • Collaboration (everybody can do the same role.There is no effect if someone missing)
  • Single player (me vs situation)
  • Two player (you vs me)
  • Multiplayer- competition (everyone for himself)
  • Multiplayer- cooperation (all of us together)
  • Team based (us vs them)
  • Hybrid competition (permit cooperative at time, even if the overall context of the game is competitive)

 1.Types of problem:
  • Conflict
  • Competition
  • Challenge
  • Oppositions
2. Skill and difficulty for each level
3. The graph of difficulty must not increase gradually because it makes player hard to complete the level 


1. Something abstract or direct. 
2. Representation includes narrative , story or fantasy elements in the game.
3. Story telling and gameplay is important!!!


      123..... FIRST class for this course. Seperti biasa, kalau kelas yang pertama untuk sesuatu pelajaran..perkara pertama sekali yang akan dibuat oleh semua lecturer ialah 'menceritakan' tentang kursus tersebut dengan lebih terperinci. Jadi, di sini la baru kami  nampak gambaran sebenar perjalanan sebagai seorang Game Designer. Dr. Tan banyak berkongsi dan bercerita tentang pengalaman beliau dalam industri kreatif ini memandangkan beliau juga telah menceburi dalam bidang ini. Banyak perkara yang kami tidak tahu sebelum ini sudah bertukar kepada tahu..heeee~. Ada yang seronok dan ada yang menggerunkan untuk melibatkan diri kita dalam bidang kreatif ni...tapi..,kalau kita bersungguh-sungguh...mesti kita boleh :)

One step At the Time :)

   Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera, hello gamers !! This blog was special created for this course (Game Design Principle or also known as MMD 1033) . Untuk semester 2 ni, kursus ini menjadi salah satu kursus yang penting untuk kami sebagai bakal2 GAME DESIGNER , sebab....kursus ini akan mendedahkan banyak perkara mengenai prinsip-prinsip permainan dengan lebih mendalam dan mengajar kami dengan lebih meluas lagi tentang asas-asas yang perlu ada sebelum 'mendesign' game..hehe...Most welcome to our sifu Dr Tan Wee Hoe who will lecture us in this course for this semester. I hope we can do our most fantastic , bombastic effort to give the best commitment for you sifu. So, here we are!! Our journey begin and lets start now..!!